
Would you recommend Svelte and what router do you like?

Thoughts on Svelte, Sapper, SSR vs SPA and the best Svelte router

The other day I received an email from a reader with a few interesting questions and I thought I would share my answer as a blog post. Hope you find it interesting as well. It's about Svelte, Sapper, SSR vs SPA and Svelte router recommendations. Raw and unedited.


Hi Ilia,

I found your blog about Svelte and Js development really well written.

It seems that you’re liking Svelte a lot. My company uses VueJS for now but was trying to use Nuxt because of the SSR aspects.

However I found the SSR part to be brittle, like if it was an add on not well thought out.

Would you recommend Svelte and what Router do you like? We’re a small team of 3 so we do need some structure and some “best practices “.


My Answer#

Hello Laurent,

And thank you for the kind words! I will try to answer your question in detail. These are, of course, my personal thoughts.

Correct, I like Svelte because it "fits" in my head. Its simplicity is what attracted me in the first place. I've used both React and Vue at work. While both are fine, we never clicked. Call me old school, but while I understand the concept and the need behind JSX, I find it weird. It's not for me. The Vue model fits "my style" better than React, but I find some of its design and architecture decisions weird. But let us not deviate from your question!

Second reason I like Svelte is that it doesn't use virtual DOM, which I always thought is pure overhead. Svelte is not a framework, but a compiler, right? You can do so much more with a compiler, than with a virtual machine, which React actually is. For example, one obvious thing is that a compiler catches compile time errors. Add Typescript to the mix and you just halved your potential runtime errors. Also, with compiler you end up with smaller bundles, as all the code is optimized at compile time and you don't have to bake in a Virtual DOM machine.

Now, back to the first part of your question - Would you recommend Svelte?

Definitely! It's stable and is used successfully in production by many companies. Now when it finally has official Typescript support hopefully more developers will start taking it seriously.

One big concern I often hear is that Svelte has a small ecosystem. By that I mean supporting tools and libraries. That's a valid point, Svelte is still young, but I found that I actually don't need and use many external Svelte libraries in my projects. Why? Because there's often no need. Svelte has a lot of common features built-in, its state management is simple, and you can easily integrate any external Javascript library you need. In Svelte, you are often not constrained by a framework specific code or syntax, it's just plain Javascript.

And for the second part of your question - What router do you like?

I am a big fan of DYI, but up to a certain degree. If something takes me a few hours to implement, I will often do it instead of using some library. For my projects I use Page.js as my router. It's a battle-tested library that I've used before and that I trust. I've created a simple Svelte wrapper on top of it that fits my needs. If you are interested, here is the link to the article - Svelte routing with Page.js, Part 1.

Routify seems to be a popular option, but I haven't had the chance to try it yet. Spontaneously, I don't like a library that forces you to use it in a certain way. With Routify you have to start your app from Routify, so to say. I understand the reason behind. It's a file-based router, it needs to use the file system in order to build up its router tree. Routify also supports SSR if that's important to you.

With that said, one Svelte router I've been digging lately is svelte-navigator. It's actively maintained, has an intuitive API and seems to be feature complete. Check it out!

Just like Vue has Nuxt and React has Next, Svelte also has an official SSR solution - Sapper. But Sapper's development haven't been very active for the past year. It's currently on version 0.28, but looks like the development is picking up again. I don't know when and if it will reach version 1.0, but expect a few breaking API changes on the way. With that said, many companies are already using it successfully in production today.

Let's talk a bit about SSR vs SPA debate. Why and when should you use SSR instead of a SPA?

In my opinion, if you are building an app that needs to be crawlable by search bots, SSR is the way to go. Blogs, forums and news apps come to mind. The rest is a grey area.

There are pros and cons when it comes to SSR apps. Sapper in Svelte's case.

Some of the pros:

Some of the cons:

What about SPA's pros and cons?

Some of the pros:

Some of the cons:

I just realized that this was a very long answer to your email, so I will stop here, even though I love talking about these topics!

In summary:

Good luck! I am sure you will have lots of fun and "no, it can't be that easy" moments on the way if you choose Svelte!

All the best, Ilia